Beauty and charm / OGL Liberec Lázně

curator Iva Mladičová
Bakule Malá, Hulačová, Immrová, Kaminská, Komm, Korečková, Matušek - Vláčilíková, Melkusová L., Melkusová M., Pešková, Roztočilová, Skavova, Spirova, Šubrtová.
21 March 20199 June 2019

The exhibition accompanied by the book follows the current work of female authors who identify with the tradition of the very essence of sculpture, which consists of volume and verticality. In sculpture, he honors plasticity and the ability to make the viewer stop and experience. But this does not exclude the difference in the approach to the statue, both formal and content. Some authors focus on e.g. figurative sculpture in the most traditional sense of the word, another abstract sculpture, object or monumental spatial creation. The exhibition shows varied approaches to creation with traditional materials and matter. The sculptor of the middle generation does not work much, there are many talented authors among the beginning sculptors. The exhibition invites to create a dialogue between them.

Such a generous sculptural exhibition is created hand in hand with the desire to recall the famous exhibition in the streets of Liberec, Sculpture and City 69, which influenced similar projects and thanks to which sculptures in Czechoslovakia began to gain prominence in public space. At that time, it was also attended by personalities of the younger and middle generation and women Zdena Fibichová, Věra Janoušková, Eva Kmentová, Alena Kroupová and Daniela Vinopalová. This exhibition pays tribute to them.

Dagmar Šubrtová instalation, foto: Jiří JiroutekDagmar Šubrtová, Universe, 2019, foto Jiří JiroutekDagmar Šubrtová, Cloak of the Virgin mary, 2019, foto autorDagmar Šubrtová, Crystal, 2019, foto: autorDagmar Šubrtová instalation, foto autorDagmar Šubrtová, Starry sky, 2019, foto autor