Green woman

1996 - 2006
1 January 199631 December 2006

The Green Woman has been with me since I lived in Kamenický Šenov, a mountain town with the beauty of the surrounding nature of the Lužické Mountains. In the harmonious environment, while walking, I experienced feelings of connection and connection, I created my own personal places of communication. Sometimes she arranged pine needles, tied grass, transferred a few branches. Later, in my first year at the UMPRUM, when assigned the topic Home, she transferred winter birch branches to the studio and knitted her nest from them. During my studies, the Kafkárna studio and its garden and some strong places, such as the Mariánské louky and caves in the Moravian Kras, were of great importance to me as an escape.

Green Woman, 2006, oak leaves, photo by the authorNest, 1996, birch branches, diameter 3 m, photo by Hana PoislováNest, 1996, birch branches, diameter 3 m, photo by Hana PoislováHay, 1998, photo by the authorHouse and Garden, Kafka's Studio, 1998, photo by the authorRunning, 2005, photo by the authorRunning, 2005, photo by the authorDancing Grass, 1996, photo by the authorIn the Forest, 2006, re-inhabited site of an old mill, branches, meeting of sculptors Waldmunchen, photo by the authorIn the Forest, 2006, re-inhabited site of an old mill, branches, meeting of sculptors Waldmunchen, photo by the authorIn the Forest, 2006, re-inhabited site of an old mill, branches, meeting of sculptors Waldmunchen, photo by the author