Memory of Zbyňek Sedláček
authors: Václav Jíra, Emil Juliš, Olga Karlíková, Jiří Kubový, Kamil Linhart, Milan Maur, Vladislav Mirvald, Otakar Slavík, Zdeněk Sýkora, Dagmar Šubrtová.
authors: Václav Jíra, Emil Juliš, Olga Karlíková, Jiří Kubový, Kamil Linhart, Milan Maur, Vladislav Mirvald, Otakar Slavík, Zdeněk Sýkora, Dagmar Šubrtová.
Some planted trees can survive in extreme places, but even after years they can look like an overgrown bonsai or survive and gradually die. If they are planted in inappropriate places without thoughtful relationships and care, they are subject to diseases and natural pests over time.
Jitka Válová – Květa Válová – Ester Krumbachová – Adriena Šimotová – Marie Jančová – Libuše Jarcovjáková – Dagmar Šubrtová
The term sublime refers in particular to a quality that transcends the possibility of calculation, measurement, or imitation. Simply put, it refers to the experience that occurs when we are met with something so magnificent or complex that it “overwhelms the mind.” We feel both our own smallness and an admiration for and fascination with the perceived phenomenon.
Metals, coal, silicon, salts and similar crystalline raw materials have served us so far as means of development and progress. Today, silicon processor cores unprecedentedly drive almost all the world’s computer systems. However, the general euphoria about the endless possibilities of continuous development is fading. Concerns about exceeding the sustainability horizon are real. Increasingly, it is becoming apparent that the exponentially growing powerful systems are communicating more with each other than with those of us who created them.
artists: Karima Al-Mukhtarová, Ateliér radostné tvorby (Marie Kúsová, Lukáš Paleček, Vojtěch Proske, George Radojčić), Zbyněk Baladrán, Mária Bartuszová, Jana Bernartová, Rudolf Fila, Tomáš Hlavina, Václav Janoščík a Adam Trbušek, Magdalena Jetelová, Magdaléna Kašparová, Michal Kindernay, Julie Kopová, Zdeněk Košek, Tom Kotik, Eva Koťátková, Václav Krůček, Kristina Láníková, Jiří Matějů, Maxmilián Aron Mootz, Pavel Mrkus, Jiří Načeradský a Jaroslav Nešetřil, Jaromír Novotný, Milan Paštéka, Ondřej Přibyl, Jiří Skála, Kateřina Šedá, Miloš Šejn, Adriena Šimotová, Josef Šmíd, Kateřina Šten
Exhibiting artists: Nikola Brabcová, Ines Doujak, Justyna Górowska & Ewelina Jarosz, Hanna-Maria Hammari, Anna Hulačová, Martin Hurych, Petra Janda, Michal Kindernay, Věra Kotlárová-Chovancová, Diana Lelonek, Jumana Manna, Tamara Moyzes & Shlomi Yaffe, Tadeáš Polák, Ruta Putramentaite, Jan Ságl, Zorka Ságlová, Dagmar Šubrtová, Jakub Tajovský, Marie Tučková, David Vojtuš
Exhibition environment: Diana Lelonek
The theme train to Berlin will be rather experimental; together, we’ll explore the layers of the urban landscape, the phenomenon of the “new wild” and, above all, the sound. The latter will become the central point of the theme ride and the program in Berlin. The site-specific installation for this location was created by sculptor Dagmar Šubrtová in cooperation with the sound designer Peter Cusack. The program will also feature a soundwalks and side events in the Czech Center Berlin. Is there a better city to share the good practice?
The first part of the Landscape Paintings exhibition represented the largest sub-exhibition. GBR hides in its collections works that do not deserve to live in the hiding of depositories. The sub-exhibition included selected themed works from the gallery's collections, the authors of which are artists from the 19th century to the present: August Piepenhagen, Hugo Ullik, Alois Bílek, Antonín Slavíček, Emil Filla, Jindřich Prucha, Václav Špála, Josef Čapek . and more. The + sign also indicates the expansion of the selection of works by contemporary artists related to our topic.
Vanitas explores death and dying, an important theme in contemporary art. The approach toward death (and life) has varied throughout human history. In modern society, death and dying are gradually being pushed aside, to the point of becoming almost taboo. Art, however, has never completely abandoned the theme. In the Renaissance era, the popular way of depicting the transience and futility of human existence was through still lifes, featuring such motifs as flowers and the human skull.
The exhibition accompanied by the book follows the current work of female authors who identify with the tradition of the very essence of sculpture, which consists of volume and verticality. In sculpture, he honors plasticity and the ability to make the viewer stop and experience. But this does not exclude the difference in the approach to the statue, both formal and content. Some authors focus on e.g. figurative sculpture in the most traditional sense of the word, another abstract sculpture, object or monumental spatial creation.